Our Divine Download for January 13, 2025 is Success! from the Angel Answers Oracle Cards. So, just in case if you were wondering if a certain something or certain area of your life was going to go well, this is your sure fire sign that it will indeed be successful. And that's success WITH and exclamation point! So we're not just talking about passable success. We're talking about epic and glorious success. We're talking about the you've made it type of success. We're talking about the type of success that should and needs to be celebrated! (So go ahead and put that on your "to do" list right about now!) Since you know you're going to be successful, you know that you're going to experience success (with an exclamation point!), why not just start expecting it now?! No more what if's. No more worry. No more self sabotage. No more of that unnecessary and unhelpful energy of potential panic expectation. Nope. It's not necessary and all it is doing is essentially delaying the inevitable. So why bother? Why go there? Why get your proverbial panties in a know about something that isn't going to play out that way anyway? Start affirming your success. Start expecting your success. Stop yourself from settling for the possibility of anything less. Because why would you do that? Why would you go there? It's going to be amazing. You're going to be amazing. This is YOUR time. Your year. Your turn to experience success beyond your wildest dreams. And it's about damn time! You've done the work. And we all know that hard work pays off. The best part is that you won't ever have to work this hard again because along the way you have also learned to work smarted not harder, as you've worked to master the art of co-creating and manifesting. So here's to you! Here's to your success! Now go forth and celebrate your fine self!
Is what's blocking you from the full potential and experience of your success even yours or was it possibly passed down through your cellular memory and ancestral DNA? An Energetic Cord Cutting can help to cut the negative cords of attachment to anyone and anything that is blocking you from the full potential and experience of your success. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
