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Surrender & Be Willing To Release

Our Divine Download for May 31, 2024 is Willing Release from the Oracle Of The Seven Energies. Willing Release encourages us to yield to the Divine plan, to release attachment to form (especially if something isn't what you expected or wanted), and to leave room for serendipity. Some days, you have to let go of your struggle to find an answer. This doesn't mean giving up on what you want, giving up altogether, or losing anything. Remember that in our co-creative partnership with the Divine, a certain amount of give-and-take is necessary. You do your part by setting your intentions and taking any necessary (and inspired) actions, but you must then surrender the form, the timing, and the "how" to your Higher Power. There is absolutely a Divine plan for each of us. That means you too! Believe that! When action on this faith, you may find that your intense desire for something translates into a feeling of attachment and entitlement. Right now, you can immerse yourself in this experience and allow the Divine plan to unfold as it will on your behalf, without your interference. Are you willing to do that? Can you be open to receiving what is yours, even if it is not packaged in the form you thought you wanted? Perhaps if you looks deeper, you will see that you've received the perfect vibrational match to your most authentic wants and needs. You have put in the work, defined your desires and felt them deeply, and engaged your Higher Power. Now you must let go and see what transpires. This isn't always easy (it's the hardest thing you'll ever do!); impatience erodes the foundations of your trust in the Divine. Surrendering truly will serve your highest good. Knowing this truth in your heart you are encouraged to not make this more difficult than it has to be.

Our Angels understand that surrender is really challenging for us and they want us to cultivate a relationship with the Divine an will help us do so during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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