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Take The Lead In Your Life

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for July 28, 2024 is Take The Lead from The Divine Energy Oracle. You are intuitively beginning to find your way. Notice what part of your life leaves you so confident that you no longer feel the need to ask for outside approval. What qualities inspire others to compliment you for your bright energy? You are being called to trust your creativity to elevate your confidence. Let your natural beauty, grace, talent, and wisdom take over. Don't wait for others; it's time for you to take the lead. Yes, you. YOU. Allow your optimism to carry you past the potentially dreary scene of the moment, keeping you on track with your soul's path and pulling others out of the shadows and back to their center as well. Allow your love of life to prevail over current negativity and cynicism. Be the beacon that eliminates darkness and ignites the sleepy imaginations of those around you - not to show off or be the center of attention, but as the leader who keeps others from losing heart and spirit. Shine on and spread your wings. Don't wait to be invited; let your light speak for itself. There are more ways to be a leader and to take the lead than to simply be in charge in some sort of formal manner. Sometimes we can lead by the simple example of the way that we choose to live our lives and how and in what we choose to invest our time and our energy. We can also lead by having the courage to stand by the conviction of our beliefs. Even if you are not in any type of formal leadership role, be willing to honestly look at and evaluate how you live your life may or may not be inspiring others (and yourself!). If that doesn't look the way that you may want it to, you know what you need to do. So take the lead and do it already!

When we have had harsh past experiences that told us or showed us that we were not leaders, those residual energies can leave negative cords of attachment. We may need an Energetic Cord Cutting in order to cut those negative cords of attachment and step fully into our own power and take the lead in all areas of our lives. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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