Our Divine Download for November 14, 2024 is St. John's Wort/Light In The Darkness from The Illustrated Herbiary. St. John's Wort is scraggly and scrappy, completely lacking the charisma one would expect from an herb reputed to tame depression in a single bound. But that's her beauty - she's a magician and a third, not the belle of the ball. She knows how to steal the heat from summer's solstice sun, hold it to her flowers, and make it last all winter long. This is her greatest trick: bringing lights and warmth to your darkness by helping to re-create the electric leap of synapse firing and moving along. Call on St. John's Wort when you need a sip of sunshine so you can find your light in the darkness. Just list St. John's Wort, you can store sunshine! Stand facing the sun with your eyes closed and your feet planted firmly on the earth. Feel the light coming through your eyelids. Breath the sunshine in through your nose and taste it on your tongue. Repeat often, allowing the sun's fire to stoke your inner fires. Modern culture demands we our same selves day in and out, summer and winter. But our bodies know otherwise. Our bodies remember a time when winter was fro staying close to the hearth fires. St. John's Wort is a solstice plant, blooming near the summer solstice and therefore the perfect medicine for the winter. What Medicine do you need in the winter months? How do you keel the sun in your spirit when the nights are long? Many people need to begin tending to their winter selves as early as the autumn equinox, when the balance of dark and light shifts and nights begin to become incrementally longer. Trust yourself to know what you and your body need, when you need it and listen to the natural cycles and rhythms of nature rather than so-called conventional wisdom as it may appear on a calendar.
An Integrative Reiki Session can be a wonderful and relaxing way to bring balance back to your body, mind, and spirit to help you shift between seasons. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
