Our Divine Download for January 23, 2025 is Take A Divinely Guided Chance from the Angels of Abundance Oracle Cards. You know that thing that you've been thinking of doing? The one in the back of your mind that you've come up with a million reasons and a million justifications not to take action on? The one that maybe others have even talked you out of? Yeah, it's time to do that shit. Like NOW. Take your shot. Take your leap of faith. As long as it is divinely inspired, divinely timed, and divinely guided, you cannot lose and you will not go wrong. But you have to be willing to actually take the chance. Nothing will happen if you just think about doing the thing. You have to actually DO the thing. You have to take action. And this action should be in alignment with your heart and your intuition (as that is how you will know that it is divinely guided) and not (repeat NOT) from your cerebral headspace! When your head, your cerebral monkey mind wants you to do something it tends to be reactionary and scream at you until you are almost taking action out of a fear based place. But when you are in alignment, though you may here the message over and over and over, it will be a gentle nudge, a whisper to the proverbial scream of ego. When you take your chance, know that even if it appears that you are not or do not get the results that you want, that what is to come from you taking this chance is something even better. Guaranteed. So there is nothing to worry about. There is nothing to think about. Nothing to deliberate. Nothing to consider. When you take action from a divinely guided space, the only movement that you experience will be an onward and upward direction.
If you are not sure if you are receiving guidance or messages from your ego, a Stairway to Heaven Session can help you connect with 3-5 of your main guides and clarify the messages that you are receiving. Schedule Your Stairway To Heaven Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
