Our Divine Download for March 2, 2024 is Create Art from The Sacred Self-Care Oracle. Creativity is a sacral chakra construct and something of which we are all capable and will help us move forward in whatever direction we choose. But so often we get caught up in the idea of what is and isn't "art" and what it means to be "creative." Though there are millions of ways to be creative we get hung up on the idea that we must create art in a traditional sense i.e. painting, sculpting, drawing, singing, composing music, writing poetry, etc. While those are obviously all creative expressions embodying the arts, those are only the tip of the creative ice-berg that we have the ability to tap into. The way we dress can be creative and artful. The way that we move can be creative and artsy. Cooking can be a wonderfully creative way and the culinary arts are referred to as such for a reason. For some of us the translation is vastly more literal given that our sexual organs are encompassed within our sacral chakra and we therefore literally have the ability to create life. The key is to tune into what it means for YOU to be creative. How will YOU create art? It is necessary self-care right now and you are being gently guided that it is necessary self-care that will move you forward. It's time to get your creative on, plain and simple. It's up to you how you do that and how it looks. But play with it, have fun with it. Figure our a meaningful and creative way to sustain your art. It's time to move forward in a creative and inspired direction.
Our Angels know that we experience hang-ups about creativity and are willing to support us through Spiritual Action Steps relating to our creativity and the arts during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Reading TODAY: Book Your Session TODAY!
