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Trust In Divine Timing!

Our Divine Download for May 13, 2024 is Patience "I trust in Divine timing" from the Mary, Queen of Angels Oracle. Ah, yes. The P word. Everyone's absolute favorite. I know it is SO very hard for us to be patient, but that is in part because there is a part of us that knows on an innate level that time isn't real and that it does not work the way our mere mortal minds try to make it work. So when we receive messages from our guides and they contain words or phrases like "soon," what that means to us and what that means to them are two very, very different things. But when we know that what is for us will not pass us, does the timing of when we get it really matter? We get all of these ego-centric ideas in our heads about how the timing is supposed to play out and when things are supposed to happen and even how long we're going to live. What does "supposed to" even mean anyway?! We need to believe that life is perfect and timing is life's best friend. BOOM. If that doesn't change your perspective, I don't know what will! How many things in your life have happened at the exact perfect time? If you had planned it or scripted it, it still couldn't have been any more perfect. Yet we doubt. How many times in your life have you dodged a proverbial bullet by something not happening when you wanted it to initially, but down the line, later, when it was bigger and so much better than you ever thought it was going to be? Yet we doubt. Why would this be any different?! Patience is actually a card of affirmation. That's right, I said what I said. It is affirming that what you want is actually en route, making it's way to you right now. It is affirming that heaven is helping that happen behind the scenes. And it is affirming that it may take a lil bit longer than you wanted it to, but at the same time, it is also likely to be even better than what you originally asked for. So trust in Divine timing. Because it's all happening!

Our Angels understand that trusting in Divine timing is HARD for us humans and they will gladly reassure us during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading Session. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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