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Writer's pictureJanelle L. Auch

Welcome To Your Enlightening Year

Our Divine Download for January 1, 2025 is Enlightenment from the Manifesting With the Fairies Oracle Cards. What a fantastic way to start a new calendar year! This is both confirmation and a directive. The confirmation is that ALL of the tough inner work that we did last year has brought us to new levels of enlightenment and we will begin to see tangible results of that with each subsequent day of 2025. Whoo-hoo! The directive is that we are to continue on our paths of and towards enlightenment into 2025. This does not necessarily mean that we will be rinsing and repeating any of the events, challenges, or hardships of 2024, nor does it mean that new challenges or hardships will be the way through which we achieve our furthered enlightened state in 2025. As a matter of fact, when we look at the image on the card, we see the fairy meditating, which suggests a MUCH softer, much easier, much lighter, much more introspective way through which we will continue down our path of and towards enlightenment. So out of the gate, literally day one, how's YOUR meditation practice going?! If you maybe slipped or fell off a lil during the chaotic holiday season or even the challenges or hardships or 2024, that's okay. That's the wonderful thing about all of our tools: we can take them out of our tool belt and pick them back up and start to utilize them as we need to when we need to. We never actually "lose" them. This card puts us on notice that meditation is going to be key for our continued learning and success in 2025. So if you don't currently have a meditation practice, or perhaps yours has fallen off into the land of the near non-existent, or even the not what you'd like it or need it to be, it's a great time to set the intention (you'll notice I did not say "make the resolution..." ) that you are going to commit to investing that time into yourself and your relationship with Spirit. But make sure that the intention and the goals that you set pertaining to your meditation practice, your spirituality, and your enlightenment are realistic. If you are currently at zero minutes of daily meditation, it is unrealistic to try to meditation in silent, mindful meditation for 20 minutes twice a day. But 2-3 minutes 2-3 times a week listening to a guided meditation is a great jumping off point and will allow you to build a solid foundation. You've got this! Welcome to your enlightening year!

If you need a little extra help with your meditation practice, a Meditation & Me Session is the perfect starting point to offer you a personalized plan and built in support. Schedule Your Meditation & Me Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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