Our Divine Download for January 18, 2025 is Exercise To Increase Your Energy And Manifestation Abilities from The Angels Of Abundance Oracle Cards. And the crowd groans any time a card pertaining to exercise or diet comes up... But the thing of it is, when things aren't moving in our lives the way that we want them to, there is almost always a direct correlation to the lack of movement for our physical bodies, and/or the intention with which we are moving our physical bodies. Physical movement is one of the things that is necessary to sustain us for a healthy life. Like in the land of basic needs. It's not just exercising for the sake of exercising or hitting the gym because that's the cool or trendy thing to do, or even because it is the thing that you are supposed to be doing. When you connect with your body and you move your body with intention (and that intention can be to clear the space for more abundance to land!), you will not only feel more connected both to yourself and to source, but you will be amazed at how much less of a chore exercise feels like when you approach it in this manner. If physical movement is something that you enjoy, all the easier for you to be mindful about what intentions you are setting as you move your body (rather than just checking out of zoning out). We want to be as present as possible when we take physical movement because that allows us to best connect to our physical bodies and to source. Additionally, the "exercise" message in this card may not necessarily be physical movement (although it is necessary and will likely be a big thematic this year), but it could be another activity or facet of your life that you are not "exercising" or practicing where you need to be. Either way, this exercise, this practice, is a sure fire way to increase your energy and your abundance. Hop to it, because you've got things to do, places to go, and abundance to co-create and manifest!
Meditation is something that we all need to be exercising daily. If you meditation practice is a struggle, or you need a little help in that area, a Meditation & Me Session is the perfect way for you to achieve all of your meditation goals! Schedule Your Meditation & Me Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
