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Will It Matter A Year From Now?

Our Divine Download for April 12, 2023 is A Year From Now from the Angel Answers Oracle Cards. For some of you reading this who may hold specific questions in your heart regarding the timing of something, here's your answer: it WILL manifest within the next year. For the rest of us, for most of us, for all of us, this is a reminder to really take stock of what is and is not truly important in our lives. We have nasty habits of being fairly reactionary and getting our proverbial panties in a knot about things that just do not matter. So our gentle reminder here is to really ask yourself, before you choose to invest your time and your energy, be it physical or emotional, into a person or situation, and especially into any kind of conflict is to question: "Will this matter to me a year from now?" Chances are it will not. A year from now you just won't care that someone said something less than flattering about you at work or about your business. A year from now, your bank balance today will be irrelevant. A year from now, how clean your house or car are today won't be something that you remember. A year from now, that person who cut you off in traffic won't even be something that you remember. A year from now, it won't matter what you paid for gas or eggs today. SO many of the things that ruffle our feathers just won't matter a year from now. So our Angels are gently and lovingly reminding us to make that our guide as to how we choose to react (or not!) Will it matter a year from now? What a wonderful question!

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