Our Divine Download for August 14, 2024 is Summoning Power/Instinct, Intellect, Control from The Priestess of Light Oracle. Just another friendly reminder from Spirit that you have the power! You have the power to summon all of the power that you could ever need, and you do so instinctively without even thinking about it or realizing that you are doing so, more often than not. Your intellect and your intelligence supports you when you do need to more mindfully summon whatever power you may need to support your efforts. All of this means that you actually have far more control and connection in your life than you may believe that you do. You are not a victim of your circumstances (though sometimes the way the universe presents lessons to you may cause you to feel as though you are) because you cannot be a victim when you have power and control over those circumstances. Sure, you may not have the ability to influence situations the way that you would like to, or to the extent that you currently want to, but you always have some power and you always have free will choice. There are some things that are fated because your soul signed a soul contract for certain experiences before you ever incarnated on the Earth plane, but for the most part, you have the ability to summon all of the power you could ever need within any given moment at any given time. So accept your power. Allow your instincts to function as they are meant to and trust them to summon the necessary power to support you at any given moment. Be aware that you have the intellectual ability to know what power you may need and when you may need it. Accept that there is usually vastly more within your control than there is outside of it. When you can lean into those things that you can control, it really shifts those that you technically cannot, usually for the positive.
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