Our Divine Download for January 12, 2025 is It's Up To You! from The Angel Answers Oracle Cards. So often we feel as though we are victims of circumstance. We believe that we are stuck in whatever situation or circumstances in which we currently find ourselves. But that's ultimately nonsense. It might feel that way temporarily. But it is very, Very, VERY rare for us to be stuck to that extent or to be victims of circumstance. What is vastly more likely is that we are stuck inside our own craniums, victims of our own thinking, over thinking, or even stinkin' thinkin'. And that's no good. We have choice. We have SO much more control than we think that we do. We are not victims of circumstance. In fact, we are co-creators of our destiny, of all of our experiences WITH the universe! And that's pretty damn cool! ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is possible when we approach our lives from this space of spiritual truth and empowerment. And this is exactly how it is supposed to be. This is not only the way, but this is our birth rite. So what do you want? Because it IS up to you. Yeah, that can be a lil bit of a hiccup because often times we also end up with less than what we might have wanted because we didn't take the time or the necessary pause in order to get clear so that we could co-create and manifest exactly what we DO want. So push pause, and take the necessary time to figure it out (because time isn't real anyway!) And once you're get clear, put on your proverbial super hero costume knowing that your reality, your experiences, your fate, your destiny is ultimately up to you. Sure, the free will choice of others will play a small part, as will the literal irradiation of the planets in our solar system (aka astrological transits), but ultimately, YOU and you alone are the biggest creator of your own life, your own experiences, and your own destiny. So how are you going to play it? What do you choose? Because it's ALL yours for the choosing!
Meditation can be one of the fastest and easiest ways to connect with yourself and with the Divine in order to co-create your best life and figure out what it is you do want. If your meditation practice is less than you would like it to be or an area of challenge or struggle, a Meditation & Me Session can help move you past that. Schedule Your Meditation & Me Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
