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Your Are Worthy Of ALL Of Your Self Love

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for April 4, 2024 is Self-Respect and Worthiness from the Angels & Auras Oracle with the keywords Self-worth, Affirmations, Independent, Motivated. Would you talk to a small child or a beloved pet the way that you talk to yourself? No? Well then why on earth would you talk to yourself in that same way?! Chances are that if others heard your inner dialogue, they would be horrified at how you speak to yourself and what you say to yourself. That's not going to work for you anymore, especially this year. This year our mission is to nurture ourselves. We may have to fake it until we make it, depending on our background and how much stuff we're still carrying around unhealed, but this is still our mission nonetheless. We need to be telling ourselves that we love ourselves, out loud, at least 10 times a day. If you can't do 10, start at 5. But look yourself in the eyes in the mirror when you do it. And say it like you mean it. Like you REALLY mean it. Compliment yourself. Congratulate yourself. Give yourself the kudos and the props and the credit that you deserve. Even if the only compliment that you can think to give yourself is "you got out of bed today when you didn't really want to - way to go!" Do it. It counts. It matters. And how you talk to yourself is SO very important, especially this year. Focus on loving yourself better than anyone else could possibly ever love you and watch the magic that will unfold in your life and the love that you will attract from others as you do so. Connect with yourself in a bigger, bolder, badder way than you have in the past. Let this be the year of you. Because it's about damn time, don'tcha think?!

Often our negative self image and self-worth issues stem from the negative cords of attachment and ancestral DNA that have been passed down to us through our family of origin. An Energetic Cord Cutting can sever those negative cords of attachment and make it easier for us to connect with the magic, beauty, love, and spiritual truth of who we really are. Schedule Your Energetic Cord Cutting TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!

1 Comment

Apr 04, 2024

I love this ! I love me 💜 making my tea this morning and such a perfect fit for todays post

”Relate to your greatness, not to your weakness” on my tea bag 😊

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