Our Divine Download for July 2, 2022 is Keeper of the Secrets from the Wild Wisdom of the Faery Oracle with the message "Use your discernment, confide in a trusted friend, keep silent about knowledge." The Keeper of Secrets reminds us that patience is a virtue and one that is necessary for us right now. The Keeper of Secrets is asking us to be a bit more discerning about knowing when to hold 'em, fold 'em, or walk away, though in this case it is about waiting for the right moment to speak. Choosing to keep silent is not about withholding information, but rather about giving magic the space and time to grow and mature, because then, at that right moment, the key is given because you have learned to treat something carefully and with wisdom. There is so much noise and so much static within the noise of this world, that silence has become more of a precious commodity than mere gold. Sometimes we speak to fill silence rather than to be in and appreciate the experience and necessity of silence. Other times, we waste our words, so many of our precious words, trying to explain ourselves and things to people who are not looking to understand, or who are in fact looking to find conflict within our words. When you choose to engage in this way, rather than keeping your proverbial secrets, you actually diminish and dilute your own magic, and that's no good.
Our Angels understand us and they appreciate our need to be understood by others and will guide us with Spiritual Action Steps through relationship dynamics where misunderstandings dominate. Schedule Your 60 Minute Angel Card Session Today: Book Your Session HERE!
