Our Divine Download for June 1, 2023 is Rhiannon/Enchantment from the Legendary Ladies Goddess Cards. Enchantment is all about finding the magic in the little things in life. Are you looking for magic? Are you seeing it all around you? Are you willing to honor the magic that occurs all around you for what it is? When you recognize it, do you celebrate it? Do you allow yourself to enjoy it, to revel in it? This is how we build enchantment into our lives. The media and the society that we lives in tends to what to focus on the negative, the challenges, the difficulties, the conflict that exist in our world. When we focus on that, we breed more of it. More of what we don't want. The exact opposite of enchantment. But when we look for it, celebrate it, live it, we will find more and more magic, more and more beauty in our lives and in our world, and as a result, possibly even come to realize that it actually *IS* an enchanting place! When we are enchanted, even with the seemingly little things, like sunsets, and rainbows, and dew on the grass, we better and more easily find and feel the joy that is our divine right and our divine life purpose. We are meant to be in a state of bliss, a state of happiness, a state of amusement, a state of enchantment. So what changes will you make to seek out the magic in your world to allow yourself these enchanting opportunities?
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