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Free Yourself From Your Self Created Cage

Writer's picture: Janelle L. AuchJanelle L. Auch

Our Divine Download for October 17, 2023 is Freedom from the Spellcaster Oracle Cards. What does freedom mean to you? How much do you value your freedom? Are you craving the ability to fly and be truly free like the dragonfly pictured on our card? You absolutely can be. But first, you must escape the cage that you have created around yourself through your ego-mind based thinking. We all do it. We think. We overthink. We get into the stinkin' thinkin'. We make ourselves absolutely crazy with how we think about things and why? Freedom isn't about thinking. True freedom comes from being in the flow. When you are in the universal flow of life, there is very little actual thinking that you have to do because your intuition is what guides you in making most if not all of your decisions. When you let your intuition drive and decide to trust rather than constantly second guessing yourself, this is where you will find true freedom. We cage ourselves with our thinking, our choices that are made from an ego-based place (and not out intuition) and the circumstances we create and accept in our lives which are not in alignment with our divine rite purpose. Oops. None of us do it consciously or intentionally. But now it is time to be mindful of our self-created cages. It is time to value and fight for our freedom, even if it means fighting with ourselves (and that pesky ego-based brain. We all deserve to be free. In that space of freedom is where we will connect most easily and best to the heartbeat of the universe and where we will feel most uplifted and supported. So free yourself. The rest will follow.

Our Angels understand that there are circumstances in our life that we might feel overwhelmed and bound by. But often we feel this way because of the way we are thinking about those circumstances. Our Angels will gently help us shift our perspective on our circumstances during a 60 Minute Angel Card Reading. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!


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