Our Divine Download for December 9, 2023 is Comfort/Archangel Azrael from the Archangel Oracle Cards. Archangel Azrael is reminding you that you are NEVER alone and that he is always with you and available to bring you comfort beyond measure any time you call on him and ask. (But you have to ask because freewill choice is a hard and fast law of the universe that cannot be violated!) But Archangel Azrael is also asking you what brings you comfort and why you aren't taking steps to do those comforting things for yourself and to interact with the people, places, and things, that you find comforting. Consider this your carte blanche permission to lean into all things that bring you comfort effective immediately. We're speeding through fall, quickly approaching winter in the Northern Hemisphere and as such there is a need to take on more hibernation-like habits and lean into the rhythms of nature and the seasons. In order to have our best winter/hibernation season possible, we have to support ourselves through those necessary comfort measures. Especially if you have been denying yourself comfort in any way, STOP. IT.! Focus on making your home, your wardrobe, your car, your office - essentially anything and everything that you have any control over - the most comfortable space possible for you. It's time to get our comfort on in a big, bold way!
An Integrative Reiki Session can help us feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible within our own bodies. Schedule Your Integrative Reiki Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
