Our Divine Download for March 21, 2024 is South Node/Past from the Starcodes Astro Oracle. The South Node describes what you bring from your past lives including your skills, your proclivities, addictions, weaknesses, unfinished business, and a physical place within your body where you may hold tension or the energies corresponding with ancient karmic stories. The South Node also tells you which lessons and skills you may have mastered in your most previous lifetime that you feel are beneath your attention in your current life time (hint: practicing a skill is never beneath you!) The Lunar Nodes are the points on the zodiac where the Moon's orbit crosses the ecliptic - where the Moon, Sun, and Earth line up exactly, a shadow mysteriously covers the Sun or Moon and creates an eclipse. There is a situation upon you which has its roots in some past karmic pattern, the origins of which are not clear. You either need to apply skills that you were born with or look again at old problems and work to heal them. The situation feels hauntingly familiar but without a story to go with it, echoing traces from another time or life. If someone triggers your South Node, you may feel like you owe them or they owe you, and while that may be true, this accounting won't help or do anything for you now. Cleanly deal with what is on the table and stay in the present moment. Learn new ways to respond, new skills that help when old trauma is triggered or old cravings sing their siren song to allow you to break the spell. Stay focused on a healthy future of your own making. Use this opportunity to heal triggers and patterns from the past, take them as teaching moments, and learn. Then your hard-earned skills and wisdom can help you build your future.
If you aren't sure where your South Node lies or how it affects you, consider an Astrological Chart Reading With Interpretation. Schedule Your Session TODAY: Book Your Session HERE!
